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This music was created on June 12th 1992, at 8.55 PM in Arhus, Denmark. The astrological horoscope shows that this moment may activate in people the need for a better understanding of themselves. Visually, the very beautiful, predominant pattern is a triangle which in itself contains the three aspects; the square aspect, emotional blockages and tensions that can be balanced by the trine aspect, harmony and balance and finally the inconjunct aspect which gives the possibility of transmuting to a higher level. The message seems obvious: The tensions and blocks that are present can be harmonized and balanced, and maybe even transmuted to a higher level. The ascending power is one of growth and development, of reaching out for new horizons and synthesizing which may eventually bring you closer to your inner truth. It stresses the need to reach out towards new areas in your consciousness, but at the same time it points to the importance of the body and its health. Thus the ascending power, by supporting the healing of the body as well as the soul, is bringing forward a synthesis. As far as the square is concerned it points to the responsibility of the individual to overcome destructive energy patterns and open up towards group consciousness. This also indicates that the music would be well suited to groups doing energy work and massage as the difficulties in communicating about these patterns could be facilitated and eased through the loosening up effect of the music. Annette Ikast, astrologer |
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