Healing with Gemstones
§@ŠĖ: Pamela Louise Chase and Jonathan Pawlik |
Healing with Gemstones is a clear and heart-centered guide that shows you how to use more than 80 gemstones for personal and spiritual transformation. Written during a period of intense solitude and healing, the authors explore the concept that all physical forms, including rocks, have a spiritual consciousness and can be used to deepen our connection with nature and increase our ability to heal.
Written in three parts, the book helps you develop your own intuition about the qualities of gemstones and how they can be used to adjust your body, mind, and spirit. Included is a complete introduction to the physical properties of gemstones with a detailed look at how gemologists study and identify stones and gems. The authors also explore the spiritual aspects of gemstones, showing how to observe gem energy through colour, sound, and chakra affinities with complete guidelines on how to apply this energy to heal yourself and others. This practical guide also includes instructions on how to use sound to amplify the gemstones' healing power, and advice about combining gem essences with personal affirmation. From Amethyst to Zircon, and everything in between, each gemstone is examined individually with a detailed description of each stone's physical and spiritual aspects and how these qualities relate to healing. |
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