“The new man can only be created with everything new: the way I talk, the way my people live, the way they behave, all has to be totally different from the old man. The new man cannot believe in your rotten morality -- your morality has only created hypocrites. The new man can live only authentically; he cannot be concerned with your moral and immoral ideas. He can live only meditatively.”   
Osho – I Am That #12


The Throat Chakra has the major themes of communication, creativity and belief. The Fifth Chakra is one of the more commonly damaged and restricted energy centers within us. Because it is a very receptive center, it has easily become programmed, polluted by the false morality of the old society. In the crowd of voices that we receive during our childhood conditioning, our own inner voice is lost. The urge to speak out the truth of who we are, is repressed by the teaching that is not good to be individual - to be different from other people. As adults the fear of condemnation prevents us from expressing our uniqueness. In the crowd, when we do what others do, we feel safe. But that prevents our creativity to open, and creativity is one of the major life lessons that we need to learn.

On the journey of our personal growth, as energy rises through the lower four chakras, we come to the fifth chakra and its lesson is to communicate your truth and express your unique creativity.

Osho indicates to us that the blockage on the fifth chakra is imitation. To follow another person in any act or thought, to believe what we have been taught – without questioning and inquiring for our own truth – is imitation. Osho also guides us that what opens the fifth chakra is creativity, and each act of life is a chance to be creative.


“Creativity means allowing the new to happen.
Allowing the new to happen means: put aside the memory so the past does not interfere.
Let the new penetrate you. Let the new come and thrill your heart.”
Osho - Walk Without Feet #7  


As a Transformation of Chakra Energies Workshop, we will be going through exercises to purify the blockages of our energy; therapy and meditations to bring new clarity and understanding and find new pathways for our energy to flow in. Once the fifth chakra begins to heal and to open up, a tremendous new inspiration comes into our daily life that can help us in our work, to transform the day hours from a duty into a passion for creativity, self-expression and then work becomes our meditation, a resource for our further growth.

This is the fifth in the series of the seven Transformation of Chakra Energies groups, which culminate in the Transformational Energy Counselor Training.



Group Leader -- Sāmudro


25th June (Tuesday) – WHOLE DAY
26th June
(Wednesday) –
27th June (Thursday) –
th June (Friday) –
29th June (Saturday)
30th June (Sunday) WHOLE DAY

1st July (Monday -- Public Holiday) – Finishes at 7pm

** Participants will need to arrive at the venue the evening before the group begins, and stay until the group finishes. Early departure will be considered as voluntary departure and will not be eligible for refunds. **


Venue: Hilltop Country Club, Tsuen Wan

Course Fee: $14,000 for members ;  $15,000 for non-members [A TOTAL OF 7 DAYS]  

Special early-bird offer to Hong Kong New Age Members (to be paid on or before 15th May, 2019) – HK$12,800 [A TOTAL OF 7 DAYS]  

**[Plus food & accommodation fee for 7 days: HK$5,000 for double room occupancy. Special arrangement can be made upon request for single room occupancy]**

* Retakes can enjoy half price discount, please contact staff for details!


** Members can enjoy extra discounts during Early-bird offer period if they register for The Body-Types Training AND Transformation for the 5th Chakra: Communication, Creativity & Conditioned Beliefs -- Extra $800 discount
* Extra discount will only be applicable if the total fee of the courses are paid at the same time before the early-bird offer ends!


Sāmudro  will be leading the following workshops in June to July 2019:

25 June to 1 July 2019 -- Transformation for the 5th Chakra: Communication, Creativity & Conditioned Beliefs

4-7 & 11-14 July 2019 -- Body-Types Training



Sāmudro was born in England in 1960, his spiritual search began in teenage years.

He is a holder of Professional Diplomas (Distinction) in Counselling and in Psychology from Oxford College (ODL), UK. He is a graduate in Psychology BSc (Hons) at Open University, UK.

He is Director of Osho Energy Transformation Institute, and has been an Osho Therapist & Meditation Facilitator for 28 years, and is well known for his work in Chakra Energy groups as well as Childhood and ReBirth groups. He has trained in Family Constellations with Bert Hellinger, with a Testimonial Certificate from Hellinger Sciencia®.

Sāmudro is also a fully qualified Aura-Soma Colour-Care-System® Teacher (Advanced Level) and Personal Presentation Course Teacher.

Further information is available at

For enquiries or registration, please call +852-31840974 OR  Whatsapp +852-68572939 OR email to
