The Astrology of Money:
an Essential Astrology Course


People often to look to the stars to find out when they will be lucky with money. But Essential Astrology does not tell our fortune in the sense that the stars have predestined if we are to be in or out of luck. Rather our horoscope and the transits can reveal to us which opportunities life is providing and how we can use what we already have to the best of our ability.

Essential Astrology combines the insightful wisdom of Psychological Astrology with intuitive experiential methods to bring about understanding, acceptance and potential transformation for our life. Knowing the zodiac signs, horoscope houses and the planets that are concerned with work, career and finances, can foster and understanding of which life direction and choices we can make to develop our creativity and finances.

Astrologically, we can do this by:

(i) looking at the Ascendant, the 1st House and if a stellium is present anywhere, which can influence the identity we have of our own self and how we interact with the world

(ii) looking at the 2nd and 8th houses to understand our attitude to money and material possessions

(iii) looking at the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and the 5th house to understand our attitude towards abundance and success

(iv) looking at the Lunar Nodes to understand our attitude to our past and our future

(v) looking at Uranus, Neptune and the 11th and 12th houses to understand our creativity potentials

As you can see, it is not so simple as looking at just one planet to determine one of our great life lessons and we actually need to look at the whole birth chart to understand our astrological mechanism. Yet to learn how to drive it in the best way we need to empower the driver and not just be a passenger. Who is the driver, the master of our mechanism? It is our inner consciousness, the one that can watch and observe all that is happening and who can give more insightful guidance on where to go. Perhaps, the watcher will tell us to not pursue wealth but rather develop creativity. Or perhaps the watcher will guide us to do more now, to take the challenges life is giving us and make full effort to develop our chosen career. Or perhaps it will tell us to change direction dramatically. Any astrological interpretation can give us ideas of what we should do. But ultimately our own inner master is the only one who can really make the right choice for us. Essential Astrology will provide both opportunities for you: astrologically based advice and also a chance to experience one’s inner master as the driver of the astrological mechanism.



* Birth data of time, date, month, year and place of birth
e.g. 01 July 1997 at 00:00 in Hong Kong 22N17, 114E09, CCT-8:00
(please provide the birth time accurate to within 10 minutes. If the birth time is unknown, please seek the help of a professional astrologer who is able to perform rectification.)
** This information needs to be submitted to us on or before 18th December 2018 in order to get your charts prepared!

* A list of major relevant life events e.g. the starting and ending date of employment; sudden gain or loss of finances.

* Some foundational understanding of astrology. If you have not had any previous astrological course experience then familiarise yourself through some literature on the basics such as: zodiac sign, houses, planets, elements and modalities.


Venue: Hong Kong New Age Centre [See Map]

Date & Time: 1st January 2019 (Tuesday -- Public Holiday) -- 10am to 6pm

Course Fee: $1,700 for members ;  $1,950 for non-members (Including printouts of your charts, notes & recording of the course) 
Special early-bird offer to Hong Kong New Age Members (to be paid on or before 1st December 2018) – HK$1,530 (Including printouts of your charts, notes & recording of the course)


Sāmudro will also be leading the following workshops in December 2018 to January 2019:

26 December 2018 -- Workplace Empowerment (Part 1)

29 December 2018 -- Workplace Empowerment (Part 2)

30 December 2018 -- Family Therapy: Family Structures

1 January 2019 -- Essential Astrology of Money

4-6 January 2019 -- Osho Meditation Camp

4-6 & 8-13 January 2019 -- Osho Meditation Facilitator Training

Sāmudro's Personal Sessions schedule



Sāmudro was born in England in 1960, his spiritual search began in teenage years.

He is a holder of Professional Diplomas (Distinction) in Counselling and in Psychology from Oxford College (ODL), UK. He is a graduate in Psychology BSc (Hons) at Open University, UK.

He is Director of Osho Energy Transformation Institute, and has been an Osho Therapist & Meditation Facilitator for 28 years, and is well known for his work in Chakra Energy groups as well as Childhood and ReBirth groups. He has trained in Family Constellations with Bert Hellinger, with a Testimonial Certificate from Hellinger Sciencia®.

Sāmudro is also a fully qualified Aura-Soma Colour-Care-System® Teacher (Advanced Level) and Personal Presentation Course Teacher.

Further information is available at


For enquiries or registration, please Call 852-31840974 or Whatsapp +852-68572939 or Email


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